English Language Education Study Program of FKIP Universitas Almuslim

he English Language Education Study Program is one of the teacher education institutions (LPTK) which is under the auspices of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Almuslim University (FKIP Almuslim University), providing education and teaching for strata 1 (S-1) students. The English Language Education Study Program was established based on Ministerial Decree number SK: 02/D/0/2003 with the current status accredited B by BAN-PT with BAN-PT Decree No. 1044/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IV/2019. The implementation of a competency-based learning system aims to obtain an efficient teaching and learning process involving several integrated components such as curriculum, lecture materials, learning methods and strategies, quality of human resources and adequate facilities and infrastructure to produce prospective English teachers at the level secondary schools that are professional and have competence in their fields of science based on noble morals, so that the curriculum and lecture materials are adapted to the competencies and needs of society as well as developments in science and technology based on ICT (Information Communication Technology).
Our education and research, and the talents of our staff and students, will support social, economic, cultural, intellectual and public life in ways that will make us one of the leading English Language Education Study Program.
Come and join us today!